Loudoun Times-Mirror Profiles Treasurer Candidates: Eickelberg Has Done What Roopnarine Only Read About As Undergrad Three Decades Ago
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LEESBURG, VA, September 13, 2023 – On Wednesday, September 6th, the Loudoun Times-Mirror released an in-depth interview of both candidates for Loudoun County Treasurer: Henry Eickelberg and Robin Roopnarine. There were stark differences in the candidates’ level of experience and expertise.
Eickelberg detailed decades-long, hands-on management and investment experience as an investment fiduciary, while Roopnarine stated his only familiarity with investments comes from undergraduate classes he took over 30 years ago. You can read the full piece here.
Eickelberg has spent much of his career overseeing hundreds of billions of dollars in investment portfolios, including for General Dynamics (a Fortune 100 company), several multibillion-dollar retirement funds, and the $125 billion Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Advisory Committee, a federal agency President Barack Obama appointed Eickelberg to in 2016. In 2019, Eickelberg was appointed Advisory Committee Chair by President Trump and held that position under President Biden through the end of his term in 2022.
When Roopnarine was asked “what experience he has in managing investments”, he replied:
“I am familiar with investments. I had significant classes in my undergrad around finance and portfolio management. … I understand the probably basic to intermediate level of it. … I consider myself a jack of many trades and a master of none. I understand some treasurers have an advisor, and investment advisor, and I would lean on them for some suggestions and insights as well.” [Emphasis added]
The Loudoun County Treasurer’s office is responsible for collecting and investing billions of taxpayer dollars, and yet, Roopnarine told the Loudoun Times-Mirror he has no experience managing investments. Roopnarine further said that he may need to hire an investment advisor to “lean on” in order to do the job he is asking Loudoun’s voters to elect him to do.
Having overseen financial operations larger than Loudoun County, Eickelberg told the Loudoun Times-Mirror, “I have not just read about being a treasurer in a book. I have done it.”
Clearly, Henry Eickelberg is the only candidate with the experience and expertise to seamlessly transition this critical county function from retiring Loudoun Treasurer, H. Roger Zurn, Jr.
When asked for comment on the two candidates, Zurn told the Loudoun Times-Mirror, “[t]he main thing is, [Henry’s] had a heavy involvement in investments… It’s not a knock on Robin at all. He’s a very fine gentleman. I just think Henry has more experience.” Roger Zurn is endorsing Henry Eickelberg for Loudoun Treasurer.
When electing the Loudoun County’s next Treasurer, Experience Matters. Elect Eickelberg.